Scientific Research and Information Gathering
ardea consulting compiles information on birds and other wildlife from published literature before suggesting additional studies. We also research topics involving ecotoxicology or wildlife biology and provide a concise summary of the existing information for regulatory or legal proceedings. Where no data are available to address an issue, we design and perform the necessary studies to fill data gaps.
Program/Study Design
ardea consulting assists in the design of sample collection schemes and advises on avian and other wildlife observations necessary to meet the objectives of the study. ardea consultants ensure:
- Adequate sample size and number;
- Proper sample timing and intervals;
- Appropriate sample handling and preparation;
- Sufficient observations;
- The use of standard observation techniques.
ardea consulting remains available for follow-up consultations regarding evaluations on all aspects of avian and other wildlife toxicology and ecotoxicology.
Project Management
When ardea consulting contracts laboratory studies to third parties, ardea tracks the status of the studies, drafts reports and provides evaluations of the completed studies. If needed, studies are designed to meet the requirements of governmental agencies with regulatory or legal jurisdiction.
Sample Projects:
Project #1: Report Documents Species Habit Requirements and Management Needs
Problem: A federal agency required a literature review providing natural history information and habitat requirements of more than 80 amphibian, bird, mammal and reptile species of concern.
Solution: A literature search was performed.
Result: A report was prepared documenting species habitat requirements and management needs as well as impacts from human disturbance, fire, roads and logging.
Project #2: Reports Detail Birds Likely to Eat Treated Corn Seed
Problem: A client was developing a corn seed treatment and needed to know what bird species could consume the treated corn in freshly planted corn fields throughout the lower 48 states of the US.
Solution: Two reports were drafted.
Result: One analysis narrowed the list of possible birds from 587 total species occurring in corn-growing counties to the 22 species most likely to consume freshly planted or spilled corn seeds. The second report focused on gallinaceous birds and described their habits and diets to assess the likelihood of consuming treated corn seeds at planting time.
Project #3: Rare Plant Species Population Data Analyzed
Problem: A federal agency needed an analysis of population data for a rare plant species.
Solution: ardea teamed with a biostatistician to analyze the population data and conduct a GIS analysis of habitat classifications around known plant locations.
Result: A report was prepared reporting a multivariate population model, a population trend analysis and a habitat analysis. Report is available on the Technical Reports page of this website.
Previous experience: Dr. Sullivan has conducted laboratory research to evaluate the effects of contaminants on avian reproduction and the development of nonlethal sampling techniques relating levels of contamination to reduced reproduction.